1. Plan your workout: Pick 3 Days & Times you know work best for you. Choose times when your children are sleeping or before the family wakes up.
2. Make it Social: Ask a friend to walk with you everyday or jump on a Zoom workout.
3. Take back your lunch: If you're allowed 15-30 minutes for lunch this is the perfect amount of time for a fitness punch.
4. Do just one circuit: Pick 5 exercises and do just 1 round or circuit. Sometimes less is more, just get something done.
5. Workout from home: Eliminate travel time and workout at home. Even if you just hit a few body weight exercises for a few rounds everyday.
6. Join FITSLANA’S LABB: We meet 4 days a week for 30 minutes. Whether you join the LIVE workout on complete the workouts On Demand you'll want to check out all the deets by clicking the link... fitslana.com/labb-pass-411
Unless you’re training for a performance sport you just want to feel accomplished & look good! 30 minutes 5-6 days a week will help you achieve that & FitsLana’s LABB provides that!
