If you missed last year’s BIG 3 Challenge you missed 45 Days of nutrition & fitness coaching designed to help you enjoy the holiday season without gaining the holiday weight. Many of us need support more than normal these days which is why I expanded THE BIG 3 CHALLENGE to 3 smaller challenges to help you maintain your weight, not gain any weight, and possibly lose some weight while enjoying THE BIG 3 HOLIDAYS. October 3rd - October 31st : Phase 1 Nov 1 - Nov 30th : Phase 2 Dec 1st - Dec 24th : Phase 3 $40 Monthly or $105 for ALL 12 WEEKS All three phases includes fitness calendar, LABB LIVE Access and LABB PASS On Demand Video Portal Access WEEKLY NUTRITION PLANS, MENUS, RECIPES & GROCERY LIST WEEKLY STEPS, OBJECTIVES, ACCOUNTABILITY & ACTION ITEMS FITSLANA'S GUIDANCE & COACHING
You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app